


The Excellent Young Scientists Fund Program (Overseas) funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (hereinafter referred to as NSFC) aims to encourage outstanding overseas young scholars in natural science, engineering, and related fields to work in China. The fund holders are encouraged to choose their own research directions for innovative study, promoting the rapid development in young scientific and technological talents.The program seeks to cultivate a substantial number of promising academic commanders capable of leading the frontier of global science and technology, thereby contributing to the construction of a strong science and technology nation.


Application Requirements








The following conditions and requirements refer to the2024Guidelines.

The candidate should:

1.Abide by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China and observe academic integrity and ethics.

2.Be born after January 1, 1984 (inclusive) and hold a doctoral degree in natural science, engineering technology, etc.

3. By 15 April 2024, have obtained a formal teaching or research position in an overseas university, research institution, or corporate R&D institution, with a continuous work experience of at least 36 months since the grant of a doctoral degree. For those who have particularly outstanding achievements, the work experience restrictions can be negotiated.

4.Have acquired scientific research or technological achievements recognized by peers experts as a potentialacademic leader.

5.Be currently based overseas or start full-time employment in China no earlier thanJanuary 1, 2023. Upon receiving the funding notification, the applicants must have a minimum 3 years full-time employment in China. Simultaneously, the applicants must quit from current overseas positions.

*Restriction: NO other national scientific and technological talent programs at the same or higher level shall be undertaken by the applicant.


Salary and Benefits
















Those who apply for and get admitted into the program through Lanzhou University will:

1.Be paid a state-funded one-time living allowance of RMB 500,000.

2.Be appointed as a third-grade Lanzhou University“Cuiying Scholar”, together with a standard state-funded salary plus extra RMB 500,000 per year in merit pay.

3.Be paid a special post allowance of RMB 100,000 per year during the first employment period.

4.Be provided with housing subsidy of RMB 800,000 and a settling-in allowance of RMB 300,000 on a reimbursement basis.

5.Be granted a research start-up fund of the same amount with that of NSFC .

6.Be appointed as full-time professor and doctoral supervisor of Lanzhou University .

7. Play as supervisor of at least one doctorate candidate and two master candidates each year.

8.Be encouraged to set up academic innovation teams for academic advancement.

9.Be given priority in the recruitment of team members and postdoctoral research-fellows, etc. There is no limit on the number of postdoctoral candidate recruitment.

10.Be supported to apply for the second level of leading talents in Gansu Province, as well as holders of “Longyuan Talent Service Card”.

11.Enjoy the convenient and high-quality medical service provided by three top-level university hospitals.

12.Full access toaffiliated kindergarten, primary school, and middle school of high quality.

13.Be eligible to apply for a fully furnished temporary apartment.

14.Enjoy one-on-one caring and convenient service from both the Office for Talents and the school where you work.


Application Materials



1.Send your resume to the contact person’s email at the specific school or college, with a copy to the Office for Talents (rcb@lzu.edu.cn). The email subject format should be: Name + Sub-discipline + Application for the Excellent Young Scientists Fund Program (Overseas). The resume should include basic personal information, place of birth, contact details, email address, educational and work experience, major academic achievements (papers, projects, patents, awards, etc.).

2.The above documents shall be sent to the contact person of relevant school listed in the following form. Once the consensus is reached between the applicant and the university, applicants will be contacted by the managenment staff as follows.